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07 February 16 - SJ Leisure product in the spotlight - Deluxe Disco Party Tent

Party tent hire in St Helens, Warrington, Widnes, Cronton, Wigan, Formby, Leigh and more!

Following the craze of the disco dome inflatables, we looked at other ways we could integrate disco themed inflatables into our range of products. Numerous discussions within the SJ Leisure team and feedback from our fantastic customers told us that some customers were looking for an inflatable that had the disco theme but didn't feature a bouncy castle style inflatable bed. These customers were looking for an inflatable shelter for in their back garden to keep them dry during their parties and events and also give them a sort of 'nightclub' experience.

We then took this idea to one of our manufacturers, they then produced our fantastic 'deluxe disco party tent'. This party tent features dark material to make full use of the disco light and its effects, it also has a thick, one piece, dark material rain/sun cover. This rain/sun cover is very protective as it is made from one piece of material rather than two to three sheets sewn together, the less joins, the less area water has to drip through! We also had plastic style windows put into the sides of the party tent, material covers these windows but can be rolled up and tied away using buckle straps to make use of the windows. The disco party tent also has a velcro door which can be opened during the day or night for ease of entrance and exit or to allow more light into the unit.

We also provide a Bluetooth music system with attached disco light when hiring the disco party tent, customers can then connect to the music system using their Bluetooth device i.e. iPod, iPad, SmartPhone, Kindle, Tablet, anything that has Bluetooth connectivity. The disco light also matches the style of music so fast paced music creates faster moving disco lights.

Customers can add tables and chairs inside the disco party tent or you can use it as your very own 'nightclub' or dance floor!

It's really good fun and we've found the party tent to be very popular for hire in St Helens and Warrington and the surrounding areas.

We don't recommend the disco party tent for users who suffer from photo sensitive epilepsy as the disco light could have negative effects on them.

You can book our fantastic disco party tent online using our website, or you can call the office on 01744 602716!

A £50 non-refundable and non-transferable booking fee is required when booking the disco party tent.

Just below you will see our YouTube channel video of the disco party tent and also another image of the tent from a frontal view.

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