19 March 20 - COVID-19


Unfortunately, this virus outbreak needs no introduction and we're currently monitoring the latest government and health and safety advice.

It's currently a testing time for everyone especially businesses in the hospitality sector with social distancing advisement measures. As always for our company, the safety and wellbeing of all of our customers and their party / event guests and also our staff is our main priority.

We'd like to reassure our customers that any booking fee payments made previously will be transferred to another date of the customers choice within a 12 month period (this may be extended depending on what happens). We will not simply cancel bookings and keep your booking fee payments. These payments will be valid either on the products you've ordered by simply switching the date or alternatively you can choose a different product or service to use your booking fee payment within a 12 month period from your selected hire date (this may be extended depending on what happens).

Like everyone, we are hoping that this dreadful virus passes us as quickly as it arrived and hopefully with as minimal damage to everyones health and wellbeing as possible.

We're still receiving bookings for August onwards which are generally our busiest months of trading. Rest assured if you do book now for a future date and are affected by current events then your booking fee payment will still be able to be transferred.

Once again, we'd like to pass on our best wishes and hope everyone stays safe and well. Remember to look after your friends, family and neighbours, especially those of the older generation. Remain calm and be kind to one another.

Let's look forward to when this all blows over and we can party all weekend.

For more information on COVID-19 and how to spot symptoms, please visit the NHS weblink - https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/

For more information COVID-19 and the UK's current response and health measures, please visit the following weblink - https://www.gov.uk/government/topical-events/coronavirus-covid-19-uk-government-response

SJ's Leisure x

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